Monday, 2 April 2012

What is the attraction of wood burning stoves?

Why Opt for Wood Burning Stoves?

Let’s face it there are a myriad of ways you can heat your home. But not all of them are cost effective. Gas and electricity are both costly if you use either of these methods to heat your home, so it makes sense to find another solution if you can.

This is where wood burning stoves come in. If you have a home that is well suited to having one of these stoves installed, you could end up investing in a beautiful stove that will pay for itself in a relatively short amount of time.

What is the attraction of wood burning stoves?

Wood burning stoves have several benefits. For starters you get the gorgeous appearance of a stove that will add something to the atmosphere in any home. Some properties seem to suit this kind of stove more than others, so consider your own situation and try and imagine what a stove would look like if installed in your fire place.

But of course one of the main benefits is the ability a stove has to heat your home. If you feed it with fuel constantly you can end up heating the entire property with just one stove. It all depends on the size of the property of course, but in any event you will save on your heating bills by quite some margin.

Another big advantage is that you won’t get the smell that is often produced by coal burning stoves. Wood burning stoves are much cleaner and more pleasant to use.

Where do you get the fuel from?

Once you have a wood burning stove in your home, you’ll need to get a regular supply of wood to feed it with. There are several ways you can do this – some of which involve no outlay for you at all.

For example do you have a wood merchant or similar place nearby? If you do you can bet they will have plenty of leftover and scrap wood they would like to get rid of. Ask them if you can take it off their hands. Many outlets will be only too happy for you to do so and most of them won’t charge you a penny either. This gives you a regular supply of free fuel.

In other cases you could get logs delivered on a regular basis, but this will cost you. The best bet is to find a free source of wood you can rely on.

A natural look that will vastly cut down your heating costs

Most people love how wood burning stoves look when they are installed. There is no denying the rustic and natural look they provide. There are even more modern designs that will look nicer in modern properties. Whatever style you are looking for you are bound to find something that will appeal to your tastes.
If you can install your stove in a room that is used frequently, such as the living room or dining room, you will soon notice the difference it makes. The heat radiating out from the stove will provide warmth throughout your house.

Of course when the weather is doing its worst through the winter you may still need other sources of heat in rooms that are not close to the stove’s location. But in any event you will undoubtedly be glad you took the time to find out more about wood burning stoves and their ability to provide a much cheaper source of heat just when you need it the most. It’s a decision you will be glad you made in the months and years to come.

You can visit our dedicated wood & multifuel stove section of Fireplace Products here.

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