Technical Information
Fuel Types:
Wood – Seasoned wood, which has been aired and has moisture content of below 20%. By burning seasoned wood your stove or inset will meet your highest expectations.
Multi-fuel – Offering you the convenience of burning a variety of smokeless fuels. If you live outside a smoke control area you may burn house coal.
Gas – With a gas stove you get the fusion of efficient clean gas combustion, a realistic flame picture and a beautifully designed high quality cast iron product all in one. Most gas burners are available for the use with either Natural Gas or LPG.
Features Explainned:
Air Wash System - The air flow is controlled so that warem air is pushed up the glass to help keep it clean, so that you do not have to clean the glass as often.
Clean Burn System - This allows the stove to burn wood efficiently, more safely, and heat your home effectively with much less smoke, thus you should see only a thin wisp of steam coming from your chimney.
Secondary Air – Stoves and fireplaces, that have secondary air ‘airwash’ systems. Pre-heated, controllable, air is collected through a front air intake and is jetted down the back of by-products of combustion away from the glass, improving your view of the flame picture.
Dust Free & Safe Riddling System - By simply moving the riddling tool up and down - which moves the grate open and closed - the stove riddles safely with the minimum of effort. This is undertaken with the doors closed and is completely dust free.
Primary Air Diversion System - Unique to Aarrow Stoves! A complete system to maximize the efficiency and environmental impact of both wood and solid fuel. The Primary Air Diversion System or PADS allows an under flow of air beneath solid fuel or an over draught for wood to ensure each fuel burns in its favored environment. Its easy and safe to operate all you have to do is switch the external lever from wood to solid fuel and that will change the air flow accordingly.
Fuel Options Explained:
None - By selecting this option your product will be be for decorative purposes only.
Natural Gas - This option will contain a gas inset tray that will sit inside the fire basket instead of the grate. This is usually controlled from underneath accessible by removing the ash pan cover. The tray will have a length of gas piping attached and will need to be connected to a gas supply within the room.
L.P.G. - Liquid Propane Gas or L.P.G. in this option you will receive a gas tray that will sit inside the fire basket instead of the grate. This is usually controlled from underneath accessible by removing the ash pan cover. The tray will have a length of gas piping attached and will need to be connected to a L.P.G. gas bottle. (Please Note: All Gas fittings & connections MUST be carried out only by qualified CORGI registered engineers).
Electric No Heat - In selecting the no heat option you will receive a separate box containing an inset tray with a coal matrix attached. Beneath the matrix, bulbs with spinning discs will be situated. The matrix must be fully attached, before inserting into the fire basket, only then can you begin to put the coals supplied over the matrix. Plug it in and you will have a working electric basket fire without heat. Electric With Heat - This option is similar to the above with the inset tray, bulbs, matrix, and coals etc. However underneath the bulbs and matrix section, there will be a 2kW fan heater with controllable switches. Once all of the coal is in place and the appliance is plugged in you will need to switch the light effect on, and then use the other switches to activate the fan heater. (Please Note: ).
Please Note:
Solid Fuel - You must ensure that your product has been or will be installed by a qualified HETAS engineer. For a list of suitable engineers please visit:
Gas - Our standard gas trays are suitable for Class 1. Chimneys only. If you require a Class 2. product then please contact us for availability and a price. For more information on identifing your chimney type please see the " Understanding Your Chimney " section loacted on the left hand side under additional information. (Please Note: All Gas fittings & connections MUST be carried out only by qualified CORGI registered engineers).
Electric - If your fire basket has an ash pan cover this MUST be removed whilst the fan heater is being used
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